Thursday, May 28, 2009

The First Of Many!!!!!


As the first of many art pieces I will post here, I must say, it's fair. It could be better, but I haven't scanned anything really good in yet! I have some fantastic paintings, and wonderful still life, but this picture was my very first photoshop painting ever, so I give it props for not being awful!!


My sketches for my take on a modern woman's business and relaxed evening wear. Not the typical evening garb, I must say, but business chic sounded so boxy!

And last for today, my amazing greeting card box how-to!



Hip Hip Horray For ART!!!


I have decided! I am going to post some art, illustrations, and even some of my fashion artwork on this new blog! Aren't you so so excited?? I know. Me too!!

I am going to do things a little differently here, I have some new ideas and plans, so keep up! You don't want to miss out!!

I know I wouldn't!

And if by chance you see some art or fashion you like just toss me an email, and I will see what I can work out!


The Fabulous Fashionista!!